In Other

Strategies for managing virtual meetings with care, including specific examples of how to practice each tip in your work.

By Kiara Nagel


From the Author, Kiara Nagel

As a professional facilitator and trainer in online and in-person spaces, I have found myself supporting colleagues and loved ones as they move work online, often onto new tech platforms and with new methods all while managing their own existence during a pandemic. Recognizing the strain this shift to online collaborative work has put on so many, I wanted to offer some tips for managing virtual meetings with extra love and care, making sure to leave room for a new collective existence to unfold. In the meantime, here are 7 tips for managing virtual meetings with care during a pandemic.

Contents of Article:

  • -Prep with Love
  • -Ideas for prepping virtual meetings with love
  • -Don’t Go It Alone. Have a Copilot – Roles your copilot can play in the meeting:
  • -Prioritize People and Relationships -Ideas for prioritizing people and relationships in virtual meetings.
  • -Get Creative – deas for creative engagement in virtual meetings
  • -Remember You Have a Body -Ideas for practicing more embodied virtual meetings
  • -Celebrate What Works, Change What Doesn’t – <em>Ideas for celebrating what works, changing what doesn’t.
  • -Keep it Short. Keep ’em Coming Back. – Ideas for keeping it short in virtual meetings.