A Guidebook for Envisioning a Racially Just & Transformative Future
offered by Interaction Institute for Social Change
We can choose to live in the “old normal” of racial injustice and human exhaustion or we can imagine and design our new normal. Do you want a “normal” where we work together to create the conditions for people and communities to have what they need? For the earth to cool? For our hearts to heal? And for institutions to transform through radically humane, resilient, and equitable practices?
Let’s acknowledge the trauma we’ve been in, the reckoning that comes from grappling with the distress of these traumas, and fortify ourselves by grounding in love, healing and envisioning a transformative future. But how do we build the new normal and this new future?
We have to see it first.
Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC) offers this guidebook with exercises, practices, and resources to stir up your creativity and imagination to discover the new future we seek. This guidebook was inspired by the Four Dimensions Framework we created to contextualize the shift needed to move from trauma to transformation, and a workshop we developed for the Facing Race Conference, sponsored by Race Forward in 2022. At the conference, IISC staff – past and present – had fun and dreamed together, and we want that for you too!