
The Sanctuary Series


Care and Systems Change: Meeting at the Intersections

A series of conversations amplifying emerging and fresh voices in systems change and women- identified leadership at this moment in history.

Hosted by The Systems Sanctuary and Turtle Island Institute, in collaboration with Makeway


This Sanctuary Series amplifies emerging and fresh voices in systems change and women- identified leadership at this moment in history.

This is a time of both urgency and going slow. Our systems are broken so we need new ways to approach them.

This series is designed to be a place for grappling and also for refuge.

Weaving together a feminist intersectional, Indigenous and systems worldview – our intention is to expand the realm of the possible. We will hear from incredible speakers who have cut through the noise during this time with an inspiring and fresh clarity. We will also be asking together – what have we collectively learned about care and systems change? how are you doing really? How has the last 18 months changed you? And what have you learnt and what is bubbling up for you now? What is our responsibility moving forward?

Hosted by The Systems Sanctuary and Turtle Island Institute, in collaboration with Makeway, we will create the space to honour your experience through this pandemic and to center care and healing as foundational practices of systems change. We will bring together different perspectives, meet our questions in new ways, invite new connections and talk about power. This is a space for reflective listening and also being together. It will be a monthly deep dive that leaves you energized, sparks new frames and an opportunity to connect to an expanding network of new kick ass women-identified leaders who are shifting systems internationally.


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