Call to Create

Call to Create

Why a Call to Create? Visual art, performance, poetry, music, and other forms of art and creativity connect us. Art is an expression of our realities, and of our hopes, dreams, and vision for the future.


Within each of us, we have a vision of a different world. This vision is rooted in interdependence, and it’s a way of seeing the world where no one gets left behind. It’s a vision of what we’re for, not just what we’re against.
What if we could get in formation, and co-create the world we want to live in right now? What if it’s already happening? This is an invitation to engage together creatively, to get in formation, to envision the world we want to live in.

Visual art, performance, poetry, music, and other forms of art and creativity connect us. Art is an expression of our realities, and of our hopes, dreams, and vision for the future.
That’s why Resonance Network is inviting you to create art and share it with others. Your creative work will be about the world you want to live in, and can take any form. The invitation is to create an artistic piece that reflects on the following quote:

Reflect on the world of generations that will come after you — what are your highest hopes for how it will look, sound, feel?

Your artistic work might take the form of a painting, poem, sketch, cipher, collage, photograph, story, music, or whatever comes to you in the creative process. Play with a pen and paper, a camera, crayons, collaged images, a microphone, or whatever materials make you excited about the creative process
Find a moment to yourself or invite others — a neighbor, child, grandparent, or friend— into your creative process. Download a printable PDF of this overview and instructions. We ask that you share what you’ve created here. If you have any difficulties submitting, please contact, and we’d be happy to help!