Collaborative Funding for a Just Transition

Collaborative Funding for a Just Transition

Several months ago I was interviewed by Leslie Meehan and Ben Roberts of Now What?!  The topic was Collaborative Funding for a Just Transition and we explored innovative strategies to generate needed financial resources for networks.  Some of the topics we discussed were:

  1. New ways that networks can think about money that help them move out of individualistic approaches to fundraising to network approaches to money and resource generation.
  2. How networks can lessen the need for external funding by encouraging network participants to meet each other’s needs. For example to mentor each other more rather than relying on paid consultants and to work more collaboratively (for example, aggregating orders to get much lower costs for supplies).
  3. How networks can set up income generating activities to support their work.
  4. How to make grants collaborative so that many network partners can access new resource flows.
  5. How putting grant funds into Innovation Funds (where decisions about the funds are made participatively) creates more democratic structures to control the flow of funding.
  6. Building massive social media and communications networks and using those for fundraising.
  7. What innovations have you been part of that explore network approaches to resource generation?  How might you apply some of the ideas presented in this video?

featured image found HERE

June Holley has been weaving networks, helping others weave networks and writing about networks for over 40 years. She is currently increasing her capacity to capture learning and innovations from the field and sharing what she discovers through blog posts, occasional virtual sessions and a forthcoming book. 

 to help Network Weaver continue in it’s mission to offer free support and resources to networks worldwide.