These virtual meeting role cards emerged through the process of organizing the monthly Network Weaver Cafes. The roles, if done well, guarantee excellent technical hosting and support, harvesting the key outcomes and facilitating co-creation.
Created by Adrian Röbke
A note from the creator of the role cards, Adrian Röbke :
Virtual meetings and events are common place by now. Technology like Zoom and the persisting globalization make effective virtual meetings a must.
These virtual meeting role cards emerged through our process of organizing the weaver cafes. We found that these roles allow for seamless and interactive meetings. The roles, if done well, guarantee excellent technical hosting and support, harvesting the key outcomes and facilitating co-creation. You can fill the roles as an organizing team or distribute them to participants at the beginning of the call by sharing these role cards in the chat.
I hope you find these valuable in your own work and feed them forward to anybody in your network that might be interested!