Ulises Aguila

Ulises Aguila

I am passionate about Networks, as a way to help others to become leaders, as the option to create fastest initiatives in social systems, as an alternative to do things that really matter to us and are deep aligned to our purpose, as an organic adaptive way of ‘descaling’ and as the solution to build ecosystems of innovation to solve the greatest human challenges.

We need to become more aware of our power of collaboration and experiment together with better self awareness as collaborative teams, as a common consciousness, as organizations, as networks and as leadership that helps others to become better versions of themselves by helping others to work on things that really matter to them.

My objective is to be part of this new technological and management wave to really focus on our deepest social problems and create break-through value solutions through Networks and ecosystems.

I have more than 15 years of experience in systems, worked as a consultant and as an Agile Coach. I have experience as a trainer/coach for teams, demand driven/stock forecasting, business agility, design thinking, etc and a high interest in projects related with innovative ecosystems and networks.


Ulises has published a 3-part Spanish language blog on this site. Visit the first post here: https://networkweaver.com/el-lider-facilitador-un-experimento-entre-redes-y-estructuras-parte-1/

He has also offered a free resource “How to Map Networks” – visit it here: https://networkweaver.com/product/how-to-map-networks-understand-basic-elements-of-networks-agile-praxis/

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