
Toolkits and Workbooks – Self-Organizing and Systems Change


A package of toolkits and workbooks to assist your networks and collaborative projects in systems change and self-organizing.


Toolkits and Workbooks Free Resources Package
Self-Organizing and Systems Change
  1. A Future for All of Us
  2. Blueprints for Change Manual
  3. Coaching For Awareness- Based Systems Change
  4. Community Engagement for Equitable Systems Change
  5. Decentralized Organizing in Moments of Crisis
  6. Design Principles For Clever Network Actions
  7. Embracing Failure In Systems Change
  8. Leading Culture and Systems Change
  9. Movement Building Canvas 
  10. Network Building Canvas
  11. Network Toolkit (offered by Converge)
  12. Network Toolkit for Network Weavers
  13. Planning Engaging Online Events and Workshops
  14. Power of Networks: Interconnectedness Drives Change
  15. Powerful Questions for Purposeful Leaders
  16. Principles for Ecosystem Governance
  17. Reclaiming Choice And Agency In A Networked World
  18. Resources to Support Network Effectiveness and Network Leaders
  19. Self-Organizing Toolkit
  20. Stepping Into Systems
  21. SYSTEMS CHANGE & DEEP EQUITY: Pathways Toward Sustainable Impact, Beyond “Eureka!,” Unawareness & Unwitting Harm
  22. The Collaborative Leadership Canvas
  23. Toolkit for Self-Organizing 
  24. Transforming Organizations by Operationalizing Racial Justice
  25. Understanding Movements
  26. Value And Impact Of The Purpose Built Community Of Practice: 2019-2021 
  27. Weaving Networked Action for Systemic Change
  28. Wisdom Pearls Of The River Delta ap_spacing spacing_height=”5px”]


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